8 Signs of attraction between friends

  • Aug 01, 2023
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8 Signs of attraction between friends

Do you want to know if your friend is attracted to you? When two friends are attracted to each other, it is very likely that they want to be close all the time, flirt subtly by making jokes about it, Treat each other differently from the rest of your other friends, avoid showing your true feelings and even show some sign of jealousy for no reason apparent. A friendship can turn into attraction and love because the line between the two feelings is very fine.

If you are not sure what is happening between you, in this Psychology-Online article we will explain 8 signs of attraction between friends that will help you dispel your doubts once and for all.

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  1. Body language gives you away
  2. Unconditional support
  3. subtle flirtations
  4. jealousy arise
  5. They feel a strong connection
  6. you talk a lot
  7. Appears nervous
  8. Emotional intimacy arises

Body language gives you away.

First, the presence of a emphatic body language that does not hide the attraction will be one of the first signs that they show when a friend likes them. Our gestures inadvertently betray feelings, so when you like someone (or that person likes you) you will notice that the body language between you will be very suggestive.

For example, they may bite their lips when they see you, their pupils dilate in your presence, and if you're close, they may try to touch each other casually. Also, when friends like each other, they will find ways to fix their clothes or hair when they are together. close to each other, since they want to have their best letter of introduction and good appearance before their crush.

Unconditional support.

When there is an attraction between friends, it is normal for them to try to support each other unconditionally because they are interested in the well-being of both. Therefore, if your friend is attracted to you, he probably will always be available to you and will let you know that he is interested through actions or words.

There will be no excuses to help you when you need it, so you know that you can count on that friend in any circumstance and even in details. like carrying a shopping bag or changing a light bulb in your house that will show you everything he loves you and is willing to do to make you feel good.

Subtle flirtations.

Subtle flirting is another of the gestures that indicates when two friends like or are attracted to each other. If a friend is attracted to you, they will most likely compliment you on your appearance, keep glancing at you frequently, and try to get closer every time they see you.

On the other hand, his gaze is likely to drift to your lips and that when they talk, they ask you very personal questions to find out more about your life and your routines. If any of these signs appear, it is certain that the friendship has already crossed a step further. In this article you will find other Gestures that reveal feelings.

jealousy arises

Of all the signs of attraction between friends, jealousy is the biggest evidence and the hardest to hide. It is that when you love a person, it is usual that you feel a little jealous and that you want her attention to be for you.

For this reason, if you notice that your friend or friend starts showing jealousy out of nowhere, he frequently asks you where you were and who he most likely likes you with. In the following article you will find more information about How do I know if my friend likes me?.

They feel a strong connection.

Do you feel a great connection with that person? When you like or feel attracted to a friend or friend, you may begin to feel that the relationship becomes more serious and you feel things that you had not experienced before, such as nervous to see him / to arrive or great joy when you know that you are going to meet your loved one.

You may even start to question things, like the fact that you don't spend as much time together as you would like or You will even want to intervene a little more in their personal decisions because your lives have crossed in a more passional.

8 Signs of Attraction Between Friends - They Feel a Strong Connection

You talk a lot.

If you like your friend you can't stop talking about that personYou will want to write to him all the time and you will be aware of his social networks. It is that these are sure indications that it is no longer a simple friendship. When two friends like each other, they will never get enough of each other and will not stop thinking about each other during the day and dreaming about each other at night.

When friendship and attraction turn into love, your time together will no longer be enough and you will find a way to be close as long as possible.

He appears nervous.

If you see that person it's a bundle of nerves when you see each other, there is no doubt that he has a strong attraction to you. Also, his palms may sweat or he may want to run away when he sees you for fear that his nerves will give away your feelings.

If this is your case, when your nerves attack you in front of that person, you may move in an exaggerated way, touch your hair, bite your lips, etc. Of course, it is better that you learn to control the nerves until you can confirm if your friend also feels the same way about you.

Emotional intimacy arises.

True attraction between friends entails a emotional complicity in which the most intimate secrets are trusted and will be supported to create a deep connection in which both will be great confidants.

You will feel this connection on an emotional level when you talk on social networks and even more so when you are in front of each other. This bond will grow stronger with time and will make you feel so comfortable that even in silence you will find peace of mind.

8 Signs of Attraction Between Friends - Emotional Intimacy Emerges

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to 8 Signs of attraction between friends, we recommend that you enter our category of Feelings.


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  • Byrne, D. (1971). The attraction paradigm. New York: Academic Press.
  • Dutton, D. G., & Aron, A. Q. (1974). Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(4), 510-517.
  • Hendrick, C., & Hendrick, S. (1986). Measuring love in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50(6), 923-933.
  • Izard, C. AND. (1977). Human emotions. New York: Plenum Press.
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